IMAGINA EPK‑i5500c Video Processor

Manufacturer: HOYA

Authorized distributor / Exporter: Pentax / Singapore

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IMAGINA EPK‑i5500c Video Processor

Your choice for daily practices

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Developed by directly integrating feedback from doctors worldwide, the IMAGINA video processor was made for your daily diagnostic and therapeutic needs.

Improved diagnostic outcome
IMAGINA supports each step of the clinical pathway, from screening to diagnosis towards day-to-day therapy, with state of the art HD image quality powered by i-scan.

Cost efficient and reliable
With its innovative technology IMAGINA reduces running and investment costs due to latest LED illumination. The PENTAX Medical heat-control mechanism avoids uncontrolled heating of the distal tip to address safety concerns.

Improved workflow efficiency
Unconventional design, integration and connectivity. A user-friendly and intuitive platform with a customizable menu for procedure optimization, and on-screen image collection and patient documentation.

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