The EB‑J10 Scopes

Manufacturer: HOYA

Authorized distributor / Exporter: Pentax / Singapore

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The EB‑J10 Scopes

A ground-breaking endoscopic advancement

The PENTAX Medical Video Bronchoscope EB-J10 product range offers sharp and clear High-Definition image quality. Combined with a High-Definition processor offering i-scan technology, the bronchoscopes support faster detection, precise demarcation and support the adequate patient treatment.
The unmatched ergonomic design and flexibility of the bronchoscopes offer you ease of operation in daily use. Complying with increasing hygiene requirements and STERRAD® compatibility the EB-J10 bronchoscopes provide greater patient and user safety.

Advanced assessment
Sharp imaging for detailed visualization

• Offers fast and detailed bronchial system investigation
• Leads to more precise detection of abnormalities
• Supports precise demarcation of lesions or tumors

Designed for precise sampling
• Facilitates smooth and easy insertion of accessories for diagnosis and treatment
• Efficient removal of secretion and control of bleedings
• Strong suction even with accessory in place

Reliable for increased user and patient safety
• New single-use suction control valve to minimize cross-contamination
• STERRAD® compatibility: clearing of multidrug resistant and extreme drug resistant Mycobacterium

Unmatched ergonomic design for ease of operation
• New-design lightweight control body with ergonomically positioned suction valve, angulation lever, and remote control buttons
• Soft light guide cable for easy handling
• Easy maneuverability thanks to a very small distal tip bending radius
• Easy access to right upper lobe due to 210° tip deflection

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